Between Decemeber 4th and 6th 2019 the ERASME Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence together with Platform 21 hosted the bilingual Symposium “Paradigms, Models, Scenarios and Practices for strong sustainability” in Clermont Ferrand.

During the three day event experts, practitioners and students from various backgrounds engaged in a dialogue on strong sustainability. The questions that were discussed included how to measure sustainability, which topics escape the discourse on strong sustainability and how this happens. Participants reflected on paradigms and world views in science and beyond that embody the concept of strong sustainability. Special focus was put on different methods and models and their ability to capture and assess strong sustainable development. Last but not least participants discussed and shared insights on how to finance a transitions towards strong sustainability. The results of this dialogue were graphically recorded and are displayed in the slider below or in the book “Paradigms, Models, Scenarios and Practices for strong sustainability“.